Red coat, spiky brighter red mane and tail, golden eyes, pirate hook and eye patch. The second normal one is definitely Foxy. She's also wearing a bib, saying 'Lets Eat!!!'. Around her muzzle is an orange colour, like a beak, and she has bright purple eyes. She has a yellow coat, with a brighter yellow mane, in a bun, her tail down to her knees. Wait, Mikes here? The Pegasus, looks more feminine. The first of the normal ones is a normal skin colour, with blue eyes, and a short brown main? It's short tail is the same colour, and it's actually wearing clothing! A light blue cap, and a matching colour button up shirt, with a badge that says 'Mike Schmidt'. One unicorn, one pegasi, and three normal ponies. I hear other screams, and look behind me to see five other ponies. My eyes widen, as I let out a deafening scream. I look down to the ground to see grass? How the heck did I get out-side? And why do I feel smaller than usual? I try standing on my legs, but instantly fall over, hands landing in front of me. By the way, the main image isn't exactly what they'll all look like, I'll probably change it another time. I considered recording an audio version of this list, but there's something impressive about the scale of it.Hi guys! Welcome to my first full length MLP fanfic, featuring FNAF! I really hope you enjoy it. From a video they recorded, I know one game's maker is literally in first grade. I'm always pleased when people celebrate something by creating. The answer to that, mostly, is that they love the game. Many have silly names I must confess to giggling at, or delight in imagining what inspired them. Some game entries on Game Jolt are jokes, some aren't finished, some will never be finished, and I suspect some were never really started. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. I didn't know what to do with my obsession beyond compile it into one huge list so that's what I did, okay. As I write this, the host-o-community has at least 217 entries that are clearly FNAF fan games. I realised how big it was when Fazbear and friends usurped Slender Man as the most popular fan game subject on Game Jolt. Every morning I check Game Jolt, and every morning I see several new Five Nights games. My readme file obsession has tailed off in recent months, replaced by a fascination with fan games for Five Nights at Freddy's - a game I've only played for ten minutes in the demo. I know, right? Game Jolt chose to section Five Nights fan games away from the main stream, as they were flooding everything else out, and currently hosts over 4,712 in various stages of completion. I certainly did start, though, so now I've boshed another 922 games onto this list. At one point, I had hoped to compile a new list of the 2362 games on Game Jolt, but, well, there were 2362 of them.

Update, September 14th: Shortly after this post, Five Nights fan games really took off.